Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fire Dog Wine

There is not a lot going on here at Fire Dog Winery. The hard apple cider is coming along just fine it is very clear and thats a good sign. The Strawberry also looks good. We are still looking for names for both wines so if you have any ideas please leave a comment.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Friday, September 2, 2011


I got the new order in from I expressed frustration with them before but I know it isn't their fault the order took so long to arrive. The mail system sometimes takes awhile to get to Korea. In any case I HAVE THE THINGS I NEED. I have racked both the strawberry and apple cider. They both taste O.K. I really hope with a little more age they will be much better. The off flavors could be from sitting on the settlement too long, but I don't think it is damage that can't be fixed. I hope to start Bobo's Berries some time this week or next week.

I want to give a quick shout out to Speedy Laster for coming here and giving us a class on Hood and Duct inspections. If you are a fire fighter you really need to check out Phil Ackland and Associates, they provide great training. Ask for Speedy.

- Cheers and Bottoms up