Thursday, October 27, 2011

Time to Bottle

We are washing bottles and getting ready to bottle "Hard to the Core" Apple cider so it has time to chill before tonight. I'm sure pics of tonight festivities will be posted over the next few days.

-Cheers and Bottoms up

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hard to the Core

Its just about time to bottle Hard to the Core Apple Cider....VERY EXCITED for Friday when the bacon will be woven and the cider be flowin.

- Cheers and Bottoms Up

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Team Member

Fire Dog Winery welcomes, JIM "Jim-Bo-Slice" Calvin, to the Team. He will be making all the Labels. His first is "Hard to the Core Cider".

- Cheers and Bottoms Up


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Apple Cider

With Halloween is rapidly approaching we are preparing to bottle the apple cider (still nameless). On Friday the 14th of October I added about 1/2 bottle of wine conditioner (approx. 8oz) Today 20 October I am racking it for a final time then will let it age for the next week and bottle a few days before it is to be opened on Halloween.

Today I also helped Mr. Yang start his own batch of "The Battle of Concord"

-Cheers and Bottoms up

Sunday, October 16, 2011

apple cider

I added half of a bottle of wine conditioner to the Apple Cider Must today...Friday I will add pure apple cider after I rack it. Then after 6 days I will bottle.

All is good

Cheers and Bottoms Up

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Since the wine is just aging to perfection, I will be making Fire Dog Chili today. Wait...thats give me an idea, Chili Wine......maybe thats not such a good idea.