Friday, July 29, 2011

Iron Lotus Label

Ok...The Fire Dog Winery Graphic Design Team, has been working on the label for Iron Lotus. We need your help, pleas take the Poll to the right and tell us if we should keep the label as is or keep working on us. If you have any suggestion on how to make it better please leave a comment or email us your own label to Thanks for your help!

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Iron Lotus

Iron Lotus has been bottled. It is a beautiful light green color and it taste great. It is chilling right now and will be opened on the 5th (if it makes it that long).

We are waiting on our supplies from our friends at Homebrew4less. Once we get the supplies the Hard Cider and and Strawberry will be racked and left alone to age a few more months. It looks like the fermentation is about finished and i consider that a good sign.

After the racking I hope to start work on BoBo's Berries and Alarm Blueberry.

Whit will be headed to South Dakota in about 11 days to start up Fire Dog Winery South Dakota Branch (FDWSDB). We are all excited about the expansion and the increase in volume and styles of wine we will be able to produce.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Slow week

The Vintner Team is very busy at work this week and hasn't done much "vinting," however I did check on all the wines today and things seem to be moving along. Fermentation has slowed in the Cider and the Strawberry Wine and will most likely be racked into another fermentor sometime in the next 10 days. The Iron Lotus will be bottled on Thursday or Friday.

We are still looking for a logo and label designs. Also any suggestions for new wines. This week we came up with Alarm Blueberry.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Fire Dog Executive Board is having a meeting to create the Iron Lotus Label.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Strawberry Update

The Strawberry is on its way to the secondary fermenter. It looks great and taste just a good. I added a little sugar to the must to boost the alcohol content a little bit I am still expecting 10%. Pics coming soon if I can get the camera to work.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Monday, July 18, 2011


The Fire Dog Winery is working on a Logo and we need your HELP!! If your handy with photoshop, illustrator or even paint come up with something and post it our facebook wall or email it to Maybe you could be the designer of The Fire Dog Winery logo.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Strawberry Wine

The Strawberry Wine is fermenting very nicely in the primary fermenter, it will be put in the secondary 5 or 6 days from now then racked after 4 weeks and allowed to age.

The Iron Lotus is just about perfect and will be bottled before the 1st of August.

-Cheers and Bottoms UP

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wizard Wine Day

Today we are finishing The Iron Lotus, we need to ensure fermentation is finished then sweeten and let it age before bottling. It will be approx. 12-13 percent alcohol and is on track to be ready on Aug 5th. It is very tart right now but I hope that calms down with some age.

We are also starting the Strawberry wine today. This wine will take some time to age, I am thinking Christmas will be perfect. A little taste of summer in the dead of winter. I am shooting for a 9-10% Alc.

Also there maybe so wizards running around the Winery today.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Wine

The Fire Dog Winery has successfully made its first wine.

The first wine is a sweet concord grape wine named "The Battle of Concord." This name was chosen to celebrate the first battle of the revolutionary war (The Battle of Concord) which led to the independence of the 13 Colonies.  The first cork was popped on Independence Day 2011.

The Fire Dog Vintner Team (FDVT) is currently working on 2 more wines:

The first is a unique combination of both fresh kiwi and pineapple, and a third secret ingredient that we like to call WB. This will be a semi-sweet wine with powerful fruit flavors. The Wine will be called "The Iron Lotus" do to the crazy and powerful mixture of fruit flavors and the secret ingredient.  The FDVT hopes to pop the cork on the 5th of August 2011.

The second is a classic apple cider. The FDVT is hoping for the best on this one, it was born the afternoon following a long night of fighting fire and a morning of drinking "The Battle of Concord." Due to a lack of sleep and perhaps drunkenness no one is really sure what might be in this must. This wine has yet to be named and no date has been set to pop the cork. So if you have any ideas please share and the naming board will consider them.

Wines coming soon...

A Sweet Strawberry Wine--No named
Tabasco Wine known as "Steamin Sleeman"
(used for cooking)
Multi-Berry Wine known as "BoBo's Berries"
Watermelon Mead- Not named

The Fire Dog Vintner Team thanks you for taking the time to visit our Blog,
-Cheers and Bottoms Up