Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good News then Bad News

Ok...I took a little taste of the Strawberry Wine (it still needs a name), the good news is it taste really good. I was worried at first because it was really tart but it has mellowed out a lot in only a month or maybe 6 weeks. The bad news is I cannot rack it yet because I still haven't received my shipment from Homebrew4less.com... More good news I ordered the bare minimum of what I need to keep going from Letsdowine.com I have been really happy with Homebrew4less however this is the second shipment that has taken way to long to get here. I understand it is going half way around the world but I don't have this much trouble with anything else I order. So check out Letsdowine.com I think they will do a little better.


-Cheers and Bottom up  

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bad News

Bad News...We are still waiting on our order from Homebrew4Less.com... Often times mail is slow getting to here but I hope it makes it soon or the Apple Cider and Strawberry wine may go bad. The good news is our very own Whit is getting married soon. I'm sure he will post pics on the Blog

-Cheers and Bottoms up

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stand still

We are still waiting on supplies to so we can keep working on the wine. Iron Lotus is a big hit and I am sure will only get better with time.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Sunday, August 7, 2011

We lost 31 soldiers last night in Afghanistan. Before you head out to do whatever you'll do today with friends, family or other loved ones, take a few moments to consider the 31 families who won't be seeing their husband/father/son/wife/mother​/daughter again. Tell someone you love them today! Let's live in a way that honors their sacrifice.

Monday, August 1, 2011


We are still waiting on the next round of supplies from Homebrew4less, I think they will arrive today or tomorrow. The sooner the better because we are at a stand still until they arrive. As soon as we can we will begin making more quality wines.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up