Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine. -Anthelme Brillat Savarin

Sunday, August 26, 2012

If a life of wine, women and song becomes too much, give up the singing. ~ Anonymous

Friday, August 24, 2012

Enough is a Enough

Fire Dog Winery stands behind Lance Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong has been tested and retested, where is the positive test. #livestrong

Think about it!

A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favours what you do. -Ecclesiastes 9:7

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Iron Lotus II

The Iron Lotus II is underway. After slicing, scooping, and juicing a ton of Kiwi and a little bit of pineapple the must is well on its way to becoming WINE. I used an electric juicer to juice the fruit, I figured my feet wouldn't work as well, and I was right. I am a big fan of the juicer and I believe it will become one of my most value tools.

While The Original Iron Lotus was mighty tasty, I felt like the pineapple over power the kiwi so I adjusted the recipe an I hope that fixes the problem.

-Cheers and Bottoms Up

Friday, May 18, 2012


Fire Dog Winery is proud to announce we will be start the second batch of the IRON LOTUS, one of Fire Dog's most successful wines. The recipe has been modified and we are using a new top secret method of extracting the fruit juice. Pictures will be posted soon.

Rescue Raspberry update:

The must is in the final clearing stage and will be racked and back sweetened June 1. Then its back to the carboy for a few weeks to ensure fermentation has fully stopped then its into bottles.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Rescue Raspberry Racking

Today I picked up a second PLASTIC carboy and racked the must. Good color, good flavor. Just a few more months until it is ready to go. On a side note, plastic carboys rock, way lighter and way easier to move around. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rescue Raspberry

Today I racked "Rescue Raspberry" into the fermentor and installed the airlock. It will need racked again in a few weeks, that will give me a better idea when I can finish and bottle. 

The first reading on the hydrometer was 22 brix. For you nerds thats a measurment of sugar by percent, 22 brix has the potential to make a 12.5-13% Alc by volume in wine. My second measurement, today was 10 brix so a little over have the sugar has been made into alcohol. This is good news the yeast is doing its job, and it should be done fermenting by the next time I rack. Then it just needs some time to clear and age.

I have uploaded the label. What do you think about the label and name of the new wine. 

-Cheers and Bottoms up

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fire Dog Winery Las Vegas

The juice is fermenting in Las Vegas. I was able to find everything I needed to start making wine again at U-bottle it in Henderson NV. Like the first Fire Dog Wine, The Battle of Concord, the first wine in vegas is being made from a juice concentrate. This time I am using some White Grape Raspberry, Berry Blend, and White Grape Juice. I wanted to use only the White Grape Raspberry but I couldn't find enough so I improvised. I don't know what direction I want this wine to take just yet. I prefer dry wine but with this being so fruity and summer approaching I'm thinking a semi-sweet wine that can be enjoyed pool side. 

I have no idea what to name this wine. I may not know until I taste it, but like always I am willing to take suggestions.  

I hope to start a blended mead, strawberry, and another batch of the Iron Lotus in the next few weeks. 

Here is a link to U-Bottle-It 

- Cheers and Bottoms up