Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rescue Raspberry

Today I racked "Rescue Raspberry" into the fermentor and installed the airlock. It will need racked again in a few weeks, that will give me a better idea when I can finish and bottle. 

The first reading on the hydrometer was 22 brix. For you nerds thats a measurment of sugar by percent, 22 brix has the potential to make a 12.5-13% Alc by volume in wine. My second measurement, today was 10 brix so a little over have the sugar has been made into alcohol. This is good news the yeast is doing its job, and it should be done fermenting by the next time I rack. Then it just needs some time to clear and age.

I have uploaded the label. What do you think about the label and name of the new wine. 

-Cheers and Bottoms up

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